BLACK, GRAY, or BLUE Sweatshirts & T-Shirts available to show your Mercer spirit!
Unisex t-shirts = $15 Hoodies = $35
Order and pay for your Spirit Wear online here.
Order deadline is February 23rd.
After filling out the order form, PLEASE REMEMBER TO PAY
(A) Pay online via debit card, credit card or PayPal here and select "Spirit Wear" from the drop down menu.
(B) Checks made payable to "Mercer PTSA" and mailed to: Mercer PTSA, 7201 Beacon Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108
*** Indicate on your check that it is for Spirit Wear and include your child's name and your name. ***
Orders without payment will not be processed, so please be sure to submit your payment promptly.
Thank you! Questions? Contact us at: